Tuesday 25 October 2011

Dynamic Wealth Management Headlines:How to Write a Sample Debt Settlement Letter


These days, perhaps a limited number of people have not come across the word – debt. Actually, today, most of us are under huge debt burdens and a few find the right way to get out of it. Though there are many debt relief options, debt settlement may be the best option as per your condition. However, in a debt settlement, you have to write a debt settlement letter to your creditor. If you are not familiar with a debt settlement letter, you can go through somesample debt settlement letters over the web.

Does Debt Settlement Affect Your Credit Score?
Though there is a myth prevalent that debt settlement never affects your credit score, in reality it does. When you succeed in doing a debt settlement, the mark of the debt settlement remains on your credit report. A debt settlement mark on your credit report always compel your credit score to fall around 200-250 points. However, if you carefully start paying off your debt amount, this blemished credit score can be easily restored within the next 6 months.
Sample Debt Settlement Letter to Send to Creditors
When you write a debt settlement letter, keep in mind the following:
  • Be very firm on the amount you offer
  • Include every financial hardship and stand professional
  • Remain prepared to pay-down the offered amount immediately once the creditor accepts it
Debtors may make use of the sample debt settlement letter provided below while they write their own.
Debt Negotiation Sample:
City, Sate, Zip
Collection Agency Name
City, State, Zip
Reference #: 2752136
To whom this may concern,
This is to let you know that due to some financial crises, I could not be able to make my monthly payments toward my debt and for that, the company has transferred my account to the collection agency. Let me make clear that I am still not in a situation to repay my debts due to my mortgage and medical bills.
As I don’t want to walk ahead with this debt burden, I can offer $1000 of the $2,500 owed. Frankly speaking, I can’t offer a penny more than that. If you can accept the amount, I can immediately send you the money through a registered post once I receive a letter from your collection agency stating the amount and a promise to report to all credit reporting agencies in which your company has reported to.
I look forward to hear from you in this regard and hope to close this account as soon as possible. Thanks for your precious time.
Name of the Account Holder

Archive for the ‘Practice Management’ Category


It is not about price, it comes down to trust
Tuesday, September 20th, 2011  |  Filed Under: Practice Management
“The demand in finances doesn’t respond to price,” Trott says. “Having a lower price doesn’t guarantee you more business. It’s not really about the price. It’s about the quality of service.”
There’s a great article in RIAbiz.com about pricing advisory services. It’s based upon a study conducted by PriceMetrix showing that advisors who didn’t lower their fees in the aftermath of 2008 market are much better off today than those who decided to reduce their fees.
This is more evidence that clients are seeking good advice from trustworthy advisors more than a deal on the management of their financial affairs. Take a look at the article
Clients Are Increasingly Using Multiple Financial Advisors
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011  |  Filed Under: Practice ManagementUncategorized
This recent article (see link below) really caught my attention. It is a very enlighting that the statistics discussed indicate many investor clients have determined that they can fend off challenging markets and volatility by engaging more than one financial advisor to handle their financial affairs. Moreover, the more wealthy the client is, the more likely they are to utilize many advisors. Perhaps diversification is part of the driver, but this trend sure appears to be an opportunity for seasoned advisors who have the platform capabilities to efficiently organize the clients’ data, reports and recommendations. Few firms provide advisors with the right wealth manager tools to position themselves for this type of role, and it’s it fairly challenging for individual advisors to scale their operations to offer these kinds of capabilities. Advisors who position selves with a firm that supports a wealth manager role will have much greater success serving these types of the clients.

Friday 16 September 2011

Dynamic Wealth Management Today


Our group has the unique capability to fully master the heart of the international business and finance center, enabling us to deliver powerful solutions from our investment platform both to fulfill individual investment needs and to support the aspirations of our business partners.

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Dynamic Wealth Management Headlines: Acer Hacked; Hackers Assure a Press Conference in 24hrs


Security seems to have become the bone of contention for the major players in the tech space, today. It is if there isn’t enough mockery made out of security in the recent PSN hack case, that yet another player in the market has had its security compromised. In yet another instance, popular technology brand, Acer is now finding itself grappling with a data breach that has reportedly cost it the details of over 40,000 customers. The details compromised includes their names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, as also the names of the products purchased by the customers.
A screenshot of the data compromised
A screenshot of the data compromised
As reported by The Hacker News, the hacking group, Pakistan Cyber Army is a well-known hacking outfit. Although, the motive behind the attack is still unclear, the hackers themselves have assured a detailed press conference to brief others about their motives, to be arranged very soon. At the press conference, the hacking group intends to give out all the data that’s in their possession.
This latest attack has exposed as to just how flaky is the security of most data, supposedly locked up in the systems of these major players in the space.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Economic survey by Credit Suisse in cooperation with the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)


The FINANCIAL — Zurich,  July 21, 2011 According to the latest Credit Suisse ZEW Indicator, economic expectations for Switzerland have diminished significantly.The indicator plunged by 34.6 points to the -58.9-point mark in July, thus reaching its lowest level since the beginning of 2009. The indicator for the assessment of the current economic situation also recorded a sharp drop, falling by 17.4 points to the 52.9-point threshold. The respective balances for inflation as well as interest rate expectations also registered much lower readings in July. The indicator for the inflation outlook decreased by 27.0 points, with merely 23.5% of the financial market experts surveyed predicting that inflation rates will advance in the coming six months. The balance for expectations regarding the short-term interest rate environment lost ground by 30.5 points to the 18.2-point level. At the same time, however, a greater share (55.9%, up 15.4 percentage points) of analysts in this month’s survey anticipate that the Swiss franc will lose terrain versus the euro in the coming half-year.
The Credit Suisse ZEW Indicator of economic expectations recorded the most pronounced decline in July since September 2009. The indicator plummeted by 34.6 points to reach the -58.9 point mark – the lowest level in two-and-a-half years. Merely a tiny minority of 2.9% of the financial market experts surveyed anticipate that economic momentum will improve in the coming six months. In contrast, a clear majority of 61.8% of respondents (+29.4 percentage points) now foresee a deterioration of the economic situation. A share of 35.3% (-24.2 percentage points) of the analysts expect the economy to exhibit a stable trend at the present levels.
The diminishing economic expectations already seen in recent months have been tempered, up to now, by a very upbeat assessment of the current economic situation. In July, however, the prevailing evaluation has deteriorated as well. The relevant balance has declined by 17.4 points, and only around half (52.9%) of the survey participants still view the economic picture in a “good” light. A proportion of 47.1% (+17.4 percentage points) of the experts regard the economic environment as “normal,” while none of the respondents believes that the economy is in a “bad” state of health at the present time.
The inflation outlook diminished more noticeably in July than in the previous months. The share of analysts who predict that inflation rates will climb on a six-month horizon amounts to just 23.5% (compared with 40.5% in June). On the other hand, 23.5% of the participants (+10.0 percentage points) forecast that inflation will retreat in the next half-year. Slightly more than half of the respondents (53.0%) assume that the inflation rate will continue to hover at the current low levels.
The indicator for the short-term interest rate expectations fell sharply by 30.5 points to the 18.2-point mark in July. The share of respondents who expect interest rates to advance in the coming six months dropped by 24.1 percentage points to 27.3%. Meanwhile, 63.6% (+17.7 percentage points) of the experts think that the short-term interest rate environment will remain unchanged within this timeframe.
Following an improvement of 14.8 points in the previous month, the balance of expectations for the trend of the Swiss stock market (SMI) has now lost ground by more than double the amount of points (down 31.1 points) to the 38.3 level.
On the heels of the strong appreciation of the Swiss franc exhibited in July, the financial market experts surveyed anticipate that the currency will rather trend on towards the weaker side again. In particular, the indicator for the Swiss franc exchange rate versus the euro dipped by 7.1 points to -20.6 points this month.

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About Us: hypo venture capital zurich financial news articles


Hypo Venture Capital Financial Investment and Stock Market NewsHypo Venture Capital Financial Investment and Stock Market News was established this year to provide experimental results regarding advanced search that will
be forwarded to a lab of geeky experts for further analysis.
Any result that will come up will not be disclosed to the public of course (or to anyone, for
that matter), but rest assured that it will be applied to the way we use the web in the long run.
Note: Author is hopelessly sarcastic and a frustrated mad scientist. Please bear with him.